Why does Obesity Occur?

Obesity occurs when an individual intakes a large amount of food repetitively over a long period of time without having physical, strenuous activity.  Obesity does not occur in an instant without the person’s alert or attention.  The individual decides for themselves and whatever they eat and decide what not to do will lead to obesity.  Obesity is very obvious and can lead to being socially deprived and sexually deprived and cause the person to feel depressed and encounter much more stress than the regular healthy, or rather healthy, individual.  Actions are trying to be taken by the world in order to change the future generation of adolescents although the time and money being put into studies and prevention programs are just leading to much more obese teenagers.  Obesity can sooner or later lead to death when it gets to a very serious point and can lead to many other health risks that puts themselves in danger, their offspring in danger, and causing pain to the ones who love them.


Obesity in the Future


With the world and societies flourishing and becoming more advanced, it only means more work and much more responsibility in those that control the world, us humans.  Although humans work in order to stay alive and in order to work they need sleep but they are not getting as much as needed.  

For example, a teenage student needs sleep every night in order to get work done at school the next day.  Although, school is getting much busier and lunch food is not getting any healthier.  Without the proper sleep, obesity can follow immediately behind.  If society continues to grow and flourish, more and more teenagers and adults will be seen becoming obese.



How to prevent Obesity

Studies have shown that in order to prevent obesity many actions are recommended by the governments of many countries to perform to help prevent teenagers from becoming obese today.  These are things such as:

  • Getting the military to help
  • Creating advertisements that support losing weight

  • Limit the amount of advertisements and/or commercials on TV

  • Billboard advertisements can also be limited   

  • Schools can change lunch options

Sleep Deprivation can cause Obesity

A humongous reason for teenagers being obese is due to the fact that they aren’t getting enough sleep or the sleep the gravely need.  The less sleep that teenage boys get, the more fat they put on.  Teenagers need a strict and specific 7-8 hours of sleep each night because of their young age but due to their young age, teenagers have a much larger leeway on bedtimes and sleep hours.  Amazingly when a study was taken from teenagers that didn’t get enough sleep v.s their weight, more teenage girls were obese than teenage boys.  19% of boys that didn’t get enough sleep were obese compared to the 22% of girls that didn’t get enough sleep were overweight.  Two hours of sleep every night can make a difference on both teenage boys and girls.  All the studies, the food, and the programs that accustomed to the daily life of an obese child or tried to prevent obese children has ended up costing 117 billion dollars in the end due to the medical bills and nearly 400,000 deaths last year were because of obesity.


Affects of Obesity

Obesity can lead to many problems to the body and every day life.  Some affects that Obesity can lead to:

  • A higher risk for cancer

  • Cardiovascular situations/problems

  • Bone Loss

  • Respiration Issues

  • Death

  • Illnesses are much harder to fend off

There are also many social affects of Obesity with parents, family members, friends and other people:

  • Social Deprivation

  • Sexual Deprivation

  • Looked down upon

  • Teased/Made fun of/Bullied

  • Expensive daily life

  • People talk behind your back

  • Not treated the same


What is Obesity?

     Obesity is when your BMI (Body Mass Index) gets higher than what it should be, depending on how old you are.  The levels of obesity are Underweight, Healthy, and Obese.  Obesity can turn into many other different health risks that are much more severe.  These include an increased risk of cancer, or a higher risk for diseases that can turn into problems for the every day person.  Continuing, these health risks are not just physically, but mentally and even sometimes socially.  Small changes like going to the gym for an hour a day or going for a jog will help your body become fitter, slimmer, and better.  Other small changes to daily life such as more physical activity and healthier eating can help aid to a healthier body and a healthier body.  Every person has a responsibility to remain physically active and eat healthy to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
